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- Clostridium scindens
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- Enterobacteriaceae
- Enterococcus faecalis
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- Hydroxycarbonsäuren
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- Toll-like Receptor
- Toll-like-Rezeptor 5
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- Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1
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- Tumornekrosefaktor
- Übergewicht
- Veganismus
- Vegetarismus
- Viren
- Vitamin
- Vitamin D
- Wasserstoff in der Biologie
- X-Chromosom
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- Zellproliferation
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Quellen und Tiefen
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- 13J. H. Baxter, J. L. Carlos, J. Thurmond, R. N. Rehani, J. Bultman, D. Frost: Dietary toxicity of calcium beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl butyrate (CaHMB). In: Food Chem Toxicol 43, 2005, S. 1731–1741; PMID 16006030.
- 14Lee, Mi Kyung; Choi, Soon Ho; Ryu, Dae Woong (2013-10-11). "Descending necrotizing Mediastinitis caused by Kocuria rosea: A case report". BMC Infectious Diseases. 13 (1): 475. doi:10.1186/1471-2334-13-475. ISSN 1471-2334. PMC